
INVESTMENT DEPOSIT (ID) is categorized into ID 100, requires a fixed contribution of P100 per month per savings account. The saver may choose a term ranging from 12 months to 48 months and a saver may buy at his/her option, several accounts.

INVESTMENT DEPOSIT (ID) is categorized into ID 200, requires a fixed contribution of P200 per month per savings account. The saver may choose a term ranging from 12 months to 48 months and a saver may buy at his/her option, several accounts.
B. ID 200 gives the saver a choice of plans based on maturity values. The amount of periodic contribution also depends on the length of the term and the manner of payment
(monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual) a saver can buy several or a combination of accounts.

- Depositor is allowed to auto debit deposit from savings.
- Depositor shall get passbook signifying his/her investment. The passbook shall be labelled as ID100, ID200, ID200Q, ID200S or ID200A.
- Members may avail up to 20 units.
- If members is unable to deposit in 2 consecutive months, the rate shall be reduced to savings interest rate.
- A member may reinstate his/her investment deposit by updating the monthly contribution but not more than 6 months from the month of last contribution.