Members Flock to AMPC for 24th Anniversary

Members Flock to AMPC for 24th Anniversary

A big thanks to all member-owners who flock on June 19, 2015 and celebrate the 24 glorious years of our success! AMPC gives back to its member-owners the honor through conducting fun-filled activities. Members enjoy different games like (Pick-A-Prize and Question & Answer Portion). Kitchen utensils and personalized umbrellas are given to lucky members as thanksgiving token. Throughout the day, about 300 member-owners avail Free medical check-up, FBS count, Triglycerides count, Dental check-up and Eye check-up. Almost 70 free reading eyeglasses are given. They also avail free hair makeover on that day. The event is indeed successful and fulfilling!

Happy 24th Anniversary!

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